
Building a culture based on collaboration.

How Clayco, a leading construction and engineering company, is designing its future with Webex.

Clayco, a design and build leader.

in construction projects


locations in North America


total employees

Clayco’s transformation at a glance.

One of the top engineering and construction companies in the U.S., Clayco leveraged Webex to reimagine collaborative working.


reduction in the amount of time it takes to make a decision


separate conferencing platforms consolidated


unifying collaboration solution established; interoperable with existing hardware and other platforms clients may join from


mobile field construction sites integrated for seamless collaboration


A team effort.

Clayco partnered with World Wide Technology (WWT), one of Cisco’s Global Strategic Partners, to plan and deliver their new collaboration solution. Read on to learn more about WWT’s work for Clayco.

Designing a new way of collaborating.

"Our business is constantly evolving. Webex provides the flexibility to really meet our needs as they continue to evolve."


Russ Burns, President and CEO, Clayco

"We want the same experience in the head office as at a project site or an employee’s laptop at home. Clayco has consistently set new standards in this industry. How we communicate as a business is vital."


Tomislav Žigo, Chief Technology Officer, Clayco

"Compared with past decades, we are seeing as much as a 60-70% reduction in the amount of time it takes to make decisions. Problems are resolved before construction begins and this helps our teams deliver projects faster, optimize costs, and better satisfy clients."


Tomislav Žigo, Chief Technology Officer, Clayco

"Webex allows groups to quickly meet and discuss roadblocks on construction projects. We’re now able to show pictures we took in the field and then quickly switch to the architect showing how they drew the situation. Webex has become a standard tool, so subcontractors and project owners are ready to jump into a meeting."


David Molamphy, Senior Project Manager, Clayco

"Webex is a key part of creating a unifying culture across the business. This is about how we present as a business, to clients and to prospective recruits."


Todd Finders, CIO, Clayco

Overcoming barriers to collaboration in the hybrid era.
Clayco needed to consolidate and modernize its entire approach to workplace collaboration, establishing a consistent, seamless user experience.
Need to consistently lead and deliver as a modernizer of the construction industry

For Clayco, one of the biggest strategic challenges is to consistently lead and deliver as a modernizer of the construction industry. To do so, Clayco needed the right tools, the right talent, and the right mindset.

Inconsistent performance and heavy demand on IT

With multiple projects on the go and multiple teams involved, Clayco found itself managing a diverse set of collaboration tools, including nine separate conferencing platforms. This led to inconsistent performance, variable quality, and an environment that was unnecessarily hard to support.

Difficulty collaborating across 40+ mobile field construction sites

Collaboration is central to how Clayco operates. The business needs to link its subject matter experts through every step of the project, whether they’re in the head office, onsite, or working remotely. Increasingly, clients and managers want to see a project’s progress, not just be told about it.

Struggle to present themselves as a unified company

Clayco needed to provide a consistent user experience for clients and team members: “It is a key part of creating a unifying culture across the business,” Clayco CIO Todd Finders said. “This is about how we present as a business, to clients and to prospective recruits.”

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